Red Rock canyons in Southern Utah

Reservation Guarantee

Reservation Guarantee Information

Our reservation guarantee allows you to book a trip with confidence. You will be entitled to refunds and rescheduling options not otherwise provided to guests who have opted “out” of this program. Without the reservation guarantee, you will have a zero cancellation policy and a zero reschedule policy. There will be absolutely no refunds unless Red Rock Vacation Rentals is notified within 24 hours of the reservation being made. Twenty-four hours after booking, should you have to cancel your reservation at any point, for any reason, you will lose what you’ve paid up to that point. By not purchasing the reservation guarantee, you will accept that you forfeit all monies paid if you have to cancel your reservation.

The Reservation Guarantee allows for:

  • A full refund 15+ days prior to arrival for 2-5 bedroom properties.
  • A full refund 45+ days prior to arrival for 6+ bedroom properties.

For cancellations made outside of the 45 or 15 days, Red Rock Vacation Rentals refunds the entire amount of your payments made, minus the cost of the reservation guarantee (which is only 7% of the total rent).

For cancellations made inside of the 45 or 15 day time frame, when refunds are no longer available, you will be allowed to reschedule your stay in that same property within 12 months, but no monies will be refunded. After the 12 months, all monies are forfeited.

Without the Reservation Guarantee, absolutely no refunds.
